1: it is customary to tip your tattoo artist.
2: getting sweat on a fresh tattoo hurts.
jon, george and i had talked about getting tattoos of futura 2000's gear designs way back in college. that idea, like many hatched in college, fell by the wayside as "life" continued. recently, jon had revived the subject with george and george mentioned as much to me. i enthusiastically expressed my support for the endeavor and we concocted a plan to surprise jon while visiting for his birthday on the 4th of july. of course, the design had to be agreed upon first, so george developed a clever ruse involving us planning to have it done in san diego during comic-con later this month.
the ruse worked, jon was surprised and we all made permanent changes to our impermanent bodies.
Did it hurt?
worse than a paper cut but not as bad as wrecking your bike... the next day it pretty much feels like a bad sunburn, then just a scrape and now it's just itchy.
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