Saturday, November 26, 2011


two 24"x48", spray paint on canvas. commissioned by dr. jennifer davenport. photo by brad wenner.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

book review: robopocalypse

pretty good book. BADLY overhyped. spielberg's gonna make a movie of it... that pretty much covers everything on this one.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

RIP, steve jobs

no kidding, my mom just called to see how i was doing about steve's death. the funny thing is, i think i'm a lot more upset than i'm willing to admit...

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

mazda 3 review

this weblog has long suffered in the purgatory known as "i-am-way-too-busy-to-post-stupid-crap-anywhere-other-than-facebook-land." so let's resurrect it with everybody's favorite: a rental car review!

last week i had to fly out for a press check on a sunday (boo!) and monday was my birthday (BOOOOOOOO!) but this car was my little birthday miracle. for starters, it was black. always nice to have something other than white, burgundy or gold. second, it was reasonably fast and handled mighty nicely.

but the vehicular icing on the birthday cake: BLUETOOTH HANDSFREE. i got to make telephone calls from the steering wheel and every time i got in the car it started playing MY music from MY phone.

i love the future.

5 out of 5 rental car stars.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

andy ralph

my homeboy andy had a rad piece called Trash Clan in the 2010 OCMA biennial:

he's also in a rad band with his rad brother, jaime:


Friday, April 08, 2011

analogue pro tip

in spite of the 31,330 songs by the 2,909 artists stored in my itunes library, i've been playing a lot of vinyl while i work on projects at home.

having to get up to flip and/or change the records often brings some new perspective when i get back to the work at hand. plus, my butt doesn't fall asleep as much.

it can get tricky if paint is involved in the project, but it's still worth it.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


finished my run tonight:

and noticed the new billboard on my building:


yes, definitely.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


been making out for 15 years, married for nine. i love you, stephanie.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

RIP hubba hideout

hubba hideout is being torn down. it was one of those spots i would go to in high school and vibe out while i watched the big kids skate and hope some pro would show up to shoot a spread for thrasher or transworld or something.

i saw a dude asking the construction crew for pieces of debris he could take home. they hooked him up with a couple chunks of concrete.

Sunday, January 02, 2011



das boot:

festive be@rbrick:

clarke x wylie bespoke shirt:

signs point to yes:

toilet angel:

the following morning:

also, i lost a bet: