so that was the technerd weekend and now, as a eminem once said, "back to reality..." a couple days ago on BART i watched as a lady in one of the zoomer wheelchairs attempted to floor it (joystick it?) from the elevator and onto the train as the doors were closing. one is not supposed to laugh when the train doors close on the battery pack and rear wheels of an electric wheelchair, but one is hard-pressed to not do so when the pilot of said wheelchair commences to yelp and curse out the driver, who doesn't really have control of the automatic doors. the icing on the cake was the six or seven passengers who leapt heroically to the trapped person's aid only to be told in no uncertain terms that she was more than capable of taking care of herself and that the (cursed) train driver had better start watching what the (heck) was goin on.
public transit: eternal battleground of etiquette and reflex.
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