Sunday, March 12, 2006


that was the sound of me sitting in dazed joy, watching ricky gervais 2: politics streaming from my computer onto my softmodded xbox on my delicious television. man, you'd think someone would've built a device that works this elegantly, because i'm sure they'd make a ton of money at the right price. but no, instead we have homebrew apps running in linux on a hacked game console, all completely illegally. three cheers for the DMCA! maybe someday they'll realize, the more they manipulate laws and cripple functionality to control the ways people can and cannot interact with devices and media, the more creative and widespread the circumvention becomes.

treat me as an intelligent person and offer me choice, not as a helpless idiot who doesn't need to understand your reasons...

happily, i discovered a method for upgrading the HD in a softmodded xbox, no soldering required. only thing is you have to have a windoze pc, so i guess i either need to find a friend who doesn't mind me yanking their HD for a spell so i can put my own in for formatting, or i need to build one of my own. yyyyeah, that can wait.

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