Monday, May 24, 2010


i can't believe i watched that show for six years or whatever. seriously? that was how it ended? with ABSOLUTELY NO EXPLANATION FOR WHAT THE ISLAND IS?

i DON'T CARE that they all found each other in an insanely tedious version of heaven. if i wanted to feel better about the fact that we're ALL GONNA DIE, i'd go read some hallmark cards at safeway.

what was that rock that was plugging up the light? who built the freaking temple and that giant statue? what magic did the lady that raised jacob and the smoke monster have? if the smoke monster was powerful enough TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE WORLD if it got off the island, how did the dharma dudes manage to build a silly fence that could trap him? why is it possible to move the ENTIRE island? how did widmore find out about the island and what did he want to do there and why did he die so stupidly?

mere words cannot express my level of disappointment. it was such a massive cop out to end on wishy-washy relationship crap, rather than try to address any of the actual mystery they built within this now-obviously flimsy mythology. and the locke vs. jack fight? puhleeeeeeze. ten seconds of almost rad fighting, ended with locke shot in the back? it was like watching the entire show in digest form: this is gonna be aweso... ooooohhhhhh, nevermind.

i wasn't left intrigued, imagining all the cool possibilities, i'm left annoyed, wishing the writers had felt even an OUNCE of accountability for the narrative and not gone all-in on character development and resolution. lame, lamer, lamest. mega lame. LOST is now the definition of anticlimactic. if you've never watched it, don't start. unless you really wanna just wallow in warm, fuzzy feelings for fictional characters after 120 episodes...

i'll give them this: using the opening shot from the first episode, in reverse, as the final shot was really powerful and it made jack's death meaningful. just about everyone else? WHHHOOOOOOOO CAAAAAAAAAARRRRES....


Unknown said...

and here i thought i was angry about it!

Francesco said...

YEAH!! Buuuuuuuulllshit! bulshitbulshitbulshitbulshitbulshit. BUL-shit. bul-SHIT.
What a fucking cop out. A five year old could come up with a better ending.
To be honest, I thought it was all amazing until they all went to meet at the church. then it turned to BULLSHIT.
I mean, it also sort of went a bit wrong when Jack went back into the cave to stick the plug back in the bathtub...why didn't he turn into black smoke (Seeing as Jacob's mother said going into the cave was worst than death, and would have been for Jacok if he had gone in - and at this stage Jack was kind of the same as Jacob). But anyway, they could have regained control of the ball at this stage.
But no, they had to o all bible bashing instead. They should have just left it as two parralel realities colliding or something, and the whole world imploding and then a billion years in the future we see some aliens crashlanding on the island, about to start their own odissey trying to get back to their owm galaxy. That would have been much better than the current ending...

Jon said...

I just finished watching the finale and just had to write something... BULLSHIT is the first word that came to mind and that's what lead me to this site.

I agree. What Bullshit! That was a cop out for sure. The show started out so awesome and so much potential, all they had to do what make everything all come together. The best they could come up with is that the island's power came from some light hole and some religious BS explanation for tying everyone back together in the end? I agree with you all. BS. 6 seasons and that's the best you could come up with? come on.....

The idea of this type of ending had popped in to my head as a possible explanation in the 2nd/3rd season but I never thought they would ever cop out and use that because it would be so lame and weak with everything going on on the island. They left it so wide open so that you keep watching and give a half assed explanation with a bunch of loose ends at the end. To me there were just a bunch of unanswered questions at the end that they tried to explain by pulling out the God card. SO many different endings would have been better than CRAP! I was just left feeling disappointed, angry and ripped off! I want the time I spent watching the past 3 seasons back you assholes! I really don't believe that was their plan for the ending when the show started, but if it was I hope you all burn in hell! Otherwise, that was a cop out and you should burn in hell anyways! Fuck that is right! I agree with Sonnie

Unknown said...

fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lost the ending was sooooo shit. before i watched the end lost was the best series i ever watch in my life, they wait untill the fucken end to explain what was the shit island and the smoke thing and Jacob, and then when it finally made sense and u got all exited about it, they give u this crap ending that didnt even make sense. what the hell??? so they died and found each other in heaven? who carse i want to know what happened to the island!! thats what i wanted to know from the beginning of the crap show. instead, they show me heaven!! i should have just watched passion of the Christ if i wanted to see heaven.

Jack said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only person who feels this way, the forums are full of people speculating over their own assumptions about the island being purgatory etc. It feels like the writers just couldnt answer the mysteries so they used diversion tactics to end the series!