Friday, February 29, 2008

what's wrong with this picture?

if you said "the license plate is missing," congratulations, you've identified the impetus for our 8AM call from the san leandro police department!

apparently, someone stole the plate last night, slapped it on an old, white VW beetle and discarded the vehicle in san leandro. the beetle had a smashed window so i think it's safe to assume that vehicle was stolen as well. steph's handling communication with the cops, i'll update this space as the situation develops...

UPDATE: if your plates get stolen, you get new ones for $17.00! i don't like the new serial as much as the original but victims can't be choosers.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

stacker robot

this was all i could sneak of the press in action while being fairly discreet.

that robot stacks the signatures onto pallets after they come off the folder at the end of the press. used to be a job for a human, but the only way to make a profit in printing is to do more, faster than anyone else (and write off crazy robots for depreciation three years after they're installed...).

anyone who feels sorry for the human stacker that lost his minimum wage job can take comfort in the knowledge that his corporate overlords will probably be out of business within our lifetime, what with the advent of technology like e-paper and the increasing ubiquity of the internet in everything with an electrical circuit...

get to know me

i'm not one for racial profiling, but this weblog is pretty much dead on.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the color booth

here's a glimpse of where i spend a few odd hours at a time on a press check. i'm gonna try to sneak some pics and video of the actual presses running, but they're really sketchy about that...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sleepy guy

I thinks that dude's neck is gonna kill when he wakes up! Ok, so this
post was just to test mobile publishing, but he still looks kinda

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


this clip is rather nostalgia-inducing for me. i still prefer weird music in some tiny club to a big venue packed full of jerks who don't understand the music like i do...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

sonic interference

there's a few chatty cathys in my office, so i use the only tool available in defense against nausea-inducing discussions of boyfriend-shortcomings, excessive and suspect outfit and/or figure compliments and all other standard-issue office gossip, drivel, blather, slander, dialogue and monologue:

headphones. turned to 11.

in celebration of headphones, fridays and mental sanctuary, i offer the following for your aural enjoyment:

Dub Child - Take Me (Reso Remix)

best when experienced at 11.

Friday, February 08, 2008


so there was that whole night of hype seeing the premier of the MASH SF film that sent me spiraling into the eventual purchase of a fixed gear bike. well, steph got me the dvd of that film for christmas. dvds often come with "extras." one of the extras on this dvd is a section featuring one of the cameramen, gabe morford.

if i was super hyped at the premier, i might have actually split in half had they included this part, instantly my favorite part. the guy is a total champion for skating behind these guys on the hills of SF and he has super awesome style on a bike. check it:

ps: he also picked one of the best songs with some of the best guitar work ever out of the 80s. bonus!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


joji visited!

jarrett came down as well, but he lives in this country so he gets second billing.

Friday, February 01, 2008


don't try to school ME on how it goes down in aotearoa, flickr!