Thursday, January 03, 2008

party people in the place to be

what up? chillin' in sunny san diego california, relaxing after an extraordinarily busy december. that whole press check the day after christmas thing was a real hoot, but the downtime in SD is starting to cover over the pain.

got a new camera, the Kodak V1253. so far, i LOVEITTODEATH. it takes great pictures, has all the modes and controls i want and it shoots HD video at 720p, can't wait to see how that looks on my TV. my photographer friend brad said it has a really good lens, "they make really good glass," specifically. i can personally attest to its excellent macro mode:

george had a new year's eve party at jon's house that we attended, good times were had by all. it actually was a pretty incredible vibe, super fun, super friendly. i have a bunch of shots from the night, possibly PG-13ish due to consumption of alcohol and two guys looking like they're going to touch tongues... enjoy!

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