Monday, January 22, 2007

for hero: for fool

we saw Subtle last night:

i'm pretty sure they're the best band no one's heard. best band in the bay area, in my opinion. it was super awesome, but got off to a little bit of a bumpy start. see, steph and malina had grabbed a spot at the front during the opening act and george, shane and i joined them during the break. steph literally had a spot *against* the stage but just as Subtle were beginning to play some tall chick rolls up, forcefully shoves steph backwards and stands directly in front of her, with her butt in steph's lap.

if she had done that to me, fine. i'm tall, i'm a guy, i can take it. if she had simply said "pardon me," or something along that line and gently worked her way into the mix i would have thought her annoying but wouldn't have been surprised. unfortunately, she chose the path of conflict and did not realize that the journey had not yet reached its conclusion:

me: (taps her shoulder) "are you serious?"

her: "what?"

me: "are you serious about standing right in front of my wife?"

her: (grinning) "yeah." (turns back around)

me: "oh, ok then."

i proceeded to grab her arm, pull her behind steph, step directly in front of her, lean back into her and start dancing. she was the error and i was the social delete key. she appeared to be in the company of a gentleman but he either agreed with me or was a giant wuss and made no attempt to defend her honor. bummer, i could benefit from releasing some aggression these days... anyway, i love my wife.

1 comment:

devon said...

YES! I would have done something so similar. That just makes me happy and laugh and feel like i wish i knew what this band was putting out.