mastodon monday night, it was akin to standing next to a bomb going off for an hour. my hearing may very well never recover, but gosh dang if it wasn't worth it. getting right in the middle of the pit at a bonafide metal show is quite the invigorating antithesis to spending every freaking day in a grey cubicle working with 88% women and 11% gay men... i'm just sayin. every now and then one should get sweaty and bruised with one's fellow dudeguys. i'd post some pics from the trusty phonecam, but i was way too busy A - downing beers and B - "dancing" and "singing along" to bother with lighting, composition and any other photographic concerns.
this morning whilst attempting to get some coffee, i was blocked from the
holy grail peet's carafe by a pregnant woman stirring sugar into her latte who was conversing loudly about the pros and cons of pregnancy with the severely WASPy woman who heads HR (i think, she just showed up in our building a while ago and has an office among the executives and talks mostly to HR people). i tried the whole making eye contact and bodily gesturing towards my goal thing, but they weren't having it. feeling invisible is fun! perhaps my 15-year-old oakland athletics sweatshirt was a bad choice of attire for this morning...
note to self: bring earplugs to next show.
note to unfortunate readers of this endless stream of nonsense: look at these:

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