Wednesday, July 12, 2006

happy birthday

i had to travel to wiscon-n-on-n-on-n-on-sin on my birthday this year, but the journey was made much more palatable by the stream of text messages, voicemails, emails and phone calls i received during the day, wishing me a good birthday. things got started off by the lady at security in SFO wishing me a happy birthday after checking my ID, which surprised and snapped me out of the early morning traveler trance. actually, it was really started by steph, since she sees me before anyone in the morning, but moving on... it was then continued by my coworker rachel, who is also attending this press check, spotting me on the plane and handing me a gift bag from "the team." it was filled with candy, wet wipes, an electronic battleship game, spongebob squarepants, toilet seat covers and donuts along with a few other bits and pieces to keep me occupied (see image 1A, below).

so! if any people who sent electronic messages, cards, spoken salutations or gift bags are bored enough to be reading this weblog: thank you, you made what could have been a rather awful way to spend one's birthday really quite enjoyable.

image 1A:

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