Monday, July 24, 2006

many informations

this two weekend(s ago [that's how long this post has languished in draft purgatory and is why it's so fat and rambling]) was stupid hot. i got up at 5am to stand in line at niketown and get the retro jordan IV, mars blackmon edition. here's the sunrise, as seen from the alley behind niketown SF:

here's the wristband:

here's the shoe, courtesy of (click it for more pics):

george went as well and we marveled at the 80ยบ weather in SF at 5:45am, marveled at the fact that we had both been wanting a pair of these shoes since fourth grade and marveled at the effectiveness of the latest snickers ad campaign - we had both bought and thoroughly enjoyed one within the last week. hungerectomy, indeed.

we then ate some breakfast at some cafe, played ping pong at urban outfitters and otherwise generally loitered in the stinking hot sun while waiting for huf to open, so that we might peruse the goods on display during their annual sale. of course, the goods were great and we both excercised our capitalist rights and spent too much money on more freaking sneakers because "they're on sale, i was gonna buy them at full price, like, three weeks ago anyway!" i got these, and these:

speaking of excercise, we also each copped a pair of these super slick nike+ jams, since they were the same price as the normal ones, but in a "tier zero" colorway (might as well look slightly cooler than the next geek with technology in his shoes). check the link for more info if you live in a cave.

upon the public announcement of this whole nike + ipod rigamarole, i announced unto anyone within earshot that i would buy the shoes, the kit and a nano as soon as they came out. so i lagged a little, but i've got it all now and i freaking LOVE it. it being the seamless integration of technology into my life, giving me a greater sense of well-being and vastly improving the chances that i will run every dang day. it is seriously the biz having some disembodied chick tell you how far and how fast you're running at the push of a button. then having your ipod just throw that data at the site as soon as you connect it to your computer. and then having itunes ask you if you'd like to gaze upon the glorious data that confirms you are lowering your blood pressure, increasing your endurance, strengthening your body and totally becoming badass. and finally looking at that data all graphically fresh and tasty and interactive...

tellin' you, man... this setup is hottt. i can't wait 'til some friends hop on the bandwagon, cuz nothing beats comparing stats online (see: xbox live gamercard, up and to your right). by the way, that big dip in the pace is the part where i run up a really steep hill. serious, ask steph, it's big.

lastly, i call upon you, the reader, to please consider my nomination for the best recontextualization of 2 disparate elements in recent memory:

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

we know who you are... sort of

it was upon cousin timothy's recommendation that a statcounter was added to this meaningless weblog. beyond all expectation, it has provided information that is terrifyingly mildly interesting. say, .45863 on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 being powerpoint interesting, 10 being your deepest personal desires physically played out before your insatiable, lust-filled eyes interesting. specifically, that information is that someone found their way here via this google search: reynolds%22 portland&btnG=Search

it appears being a world-famous clothing designer is starting to catch up with the good mr. reynolds. more in-depth datamining contained in the following adobe portable document:

don't do it!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

happy birthday

i had to travel to wiscon-n-on-n-on-n-on-sin on my birthday this year, but the journey was made much more palatable by the stream of text messages, voicemails, emails and phone calls i received during the day, wishing me a good birthday. things got started off by the lady at security in SFO wishing me a happy birthday after checking my ID, which surprised and snapped me out of the early morning traveler trance. actually, it was really started by steph, since she sees me before anyone in the morning, but moving on... it was then continued by my coworker rachel, who is also attending this press check, spotting me on the plane and handing me a gift bag from "the team." it was filled with candy, wet wipes, an electronic battleship game, spongebob squarepants, toilet seat covers and donuts along with a few other bits and pieces to keep me occupied (see image 1A, below).

so! if any people who sent electronic messages, cards, spoken salutations or gift bags are bored enough to be reading this weblog: thank you, you made what could have been a rather awful way to spend one's birthday really quite enjoyable.

image 1A:

Friday, July 07, 2006

ride! or! die!

whatch'all rilly want?!?!?!

so, before i forget, i bring you a tale. a tale of motorcycles and the young men who ride them...

last night, around i-didn't-really-check-o'clock, i was sitting on my bed, pulling things out of the internet pipes with my laptop, when strange new sounds began drifting in along with the normal broadway traffic outside the window. steph and i heard a motorcycle engine winding up pretty high a couple times, followed by a slam and then grinding and screeching sounds. we yanked open the curtains just in time to see the motorcycle, on its side, sparks flying, skid through the intersection, heading north on broadway, and its rider barrel-rolling like a limp ragdoll, stopping just ahead of whitmore.

traffic behind him had stopped and it looked like he was alone, so i grabbed the phone, called 911 and requested an ambulance. one well-meaning driver pulled over and lit some flares and the rest of the biker's crew who had run ahead started showing up. now, these cats weren't the brightest bulbs burning in this here universe and i can say this with some confidence because we watched as they proceeded to break RULE NUMBER ONE TWO of treating an accident victim and move their fallen comrade rather clumsily out of the street and onto the median.

a few of the bikers started directing traffic away from the "scene" at this point and we started to wonder aloud where the ambulance was. then, to our shock and dismay, these mega-geniuses ONCE AGAIN moved mr. crashy, this time across the road to a waiting car, piloted by one of their own. shortly thereafter is when the flashing lights and the "whoop! whoop!" warning siren appeared stage right, coming southbound on broadway. needless to say, the victim-containing vehicle's driver decided this would be a great time to try to leave (we can only hope they were intending to go to the hospital). the guy who laid out the flares (and was subsequently verbally harassed by the mega-geniuses when he wouldn't leave the "scene") ran out after them, signaling to the cop that the kid was making a break for it. incidentally, the cop's presence also caused a scattering of the remaining mega-geniuses unto the four corners of the earth...

medium story made short, the flare man gave his eyewitness account to another officer, he said the mega-geniuses (mostly young asian dudes from what i saw) called themselves the rough riders (ruff ryders?) and claimed to "run this town," it was discovered that the sliding bike had ceased forward motion by ramming into the back of a parked car and i watched the driver of the getaway benzo get arrested (i'm guessing for leaving the scene of an accident). i never did see if they got that poor dude that dropped the bike into the ambulance...


that was my head exploding after receiving word of squarepusher releasing a new record! sadly, it's not out until october which means i will now be forced to endure a tortuous three-month journey across the cacophonous wasteland that is all other music until it is released...

all hail the tom jenkinson!