Tuesday, June 29, 2010

this is why america will fall

From: Matthew Thompson 06/25/2010 01:17 PM
To: (redacted)
CC: (redacted), (redacted)
Subject: Re: Press check timing for Affinities and Sourcebook- Baraboo

hi (redacted),
my itinerary is below and i’ve booked a room at (redacted) in baraboo, could you let me know how to get to the plant from there? my cell number is 555.555.5555, let me know if you need anything else.

(itinerary redacted)
From: (redacted)
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 06:19:43 -0700
To: Matthew Thompson
Subject: Re: Press check timing for Affinities and Sourcebook- Baraboo

Thanks Matt. Can you send me your cell phone number. We will use this to keep you updated during your visit.

my question remains unanswered and they request information already provided: a perfect business email.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

new holiday!

i'm already getting excited to celebrate my new favorite holiday next year:

June 12th, National Roll a Ball Slowly at an English Person Day!

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

pirate cat

coco got glaucoma in his right eye and finally had to have it enucleated. i got light-headed watching him run into stuff all over the apartment, drugged-up and newly bereft of depth perception...

here's a before, for reference: