Monday, June 29, 2009


UPDATE: in fairness to apple and at&t, i think i can pin the failed-sync blame squarely on, as they are in the middle of rolling out an updated website and service. the feature set is more compelling and the design is far better, so i'll take a couple lost miles in the name of progress.

UPDATE 2: well, it appears apple and nike may be culpable after all. my latest (and longest with the 3GS) run just failed to upload to AND THEN somehow managed to disappear out of the history list on my iphone... of course, angry emails have been sent and snarky forum posts have been made, but they need to fix this fast. why on earth can't a device as advanced as the latest iphone pull off a feat that is constantly accomplished by my three-year-old ipod nano? and if i'm FORCED to pay for UNLIMITED DATA by at&t, why can't i upload my run history directly from the phone? ridiculous...

Sunday, June 28, 2009


back in 1999, when i began my employment at the venerable Williams-Sonoma, Inc., all catalog photography was shot on large and medium format film. 'round about 2001, we started the transition to digital photography. a day's shoot would be delivered to us as a big ol' stack of iomega zip disks.

zips held a whopping ONE HUNDRED MEGABYTES for about ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. they were a big deal because they were SO SMALL (about 3.5" square). in college, we had just started using 150MB bernoulli disks (also about $100) for digital projects but they were HUGE in comparison (about 5" square). here's a 100MB bernoulli drive next to my old 16 GIGABYTE iphone:

oh, by the way, the iphone makes calls and surfs the web and plays movies and stuff. hilarious. since 2001, we've gotten photo in on a bunch of different kinds of storage media/devices: CDs, DVDs, portable hard drives... but last week we got a batch on something new, a USB thumb drive. not just any thumb drive, a TWO GIGABYTE MICRO VAULT TINY!

it holds as much data as 20 zip disks, is small enough to swallow, costs about $20 and comes with a cute sleeve you can clip to your shirt or cell phone or something:

i can't wait 'til the photographer just IMs the photo straight to my cell phone. which will be embedded in my eyeglasses. eyephone. ha.

i can relate

via flickr.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

colour control

ever take a pic with your iphone and think "that looks crap, sure wish i could adjust the gamma and tweak the red gain.."? if so, head on over to itunes and get yourself a free copy of mill colour.

my buddy jeremiah tipped me off to it. it's free, it's easy to use and it does stuff like this:



Sunday, June 14, 2009

pool party!

our buddy jeff's parents are in costa rica, so he had a bunch of friends over for a BBQ and pool party. we played horseshoes, swam and jeff smoked some ribs and barbecued hot links, chicken and steaks: outstanding!

more photos here.

more videos here.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

office kitchen


i LOLed...

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


sometimes, the gayest dude in the office is talking to someone else near your cubicle and he says "big, black cop," but you're forgiven if you totally thought you heard something else...