Thursday, November 20, 2008

flim flam

all praise for "bike hero" is hereby RESCINDED.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


in the NXE, one can customize an avatar to appear in various games and other xbox live arenas. steph was home when the NXE became available, i was not. thus, my gamertag is now represented by this alluring fellow on my shoulder:

the word "avatar" is hindu in origin and describes "the descent and presence on earth of a deity in corporeal form (animal or human)." i wonder what mythos could be embodied in an avatar such as that....

UPDATE: we made the avatar look-a-like contest gallery. well done, stephanie.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

bike hero

tip of the hat to patoflowerwaddel.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

juxt do it

if you don't have juxtaposer for your iphone, go get it.

Friday, November 07, 2008


now that the election is over, the real work begins. namely, figuring out when is the appropriate time to stop following obama on twitter and facebook, delete his iphone app and take the spoke card off my bike... is it like christmas? am i good for another month? or more like an office birthday - any more than two days and people start discussing your mental deficiencies behind your back. hmmmm, something to ponder during the next powerpoint presentation one is "invited" to endure.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


this is a blurry picture of rachel. today was her last day at WS. i worked with her for seven years and she likes cats. i like her.

bye, ray.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

election highlight

for me, the best thing that happened last night was john mccain's concession speech. his grace in defeat was immense and his sincere endorsement of obama as president-elect was moving. his demeanor spoke volumes about his character, his history as a leader and his passion for this country.

that speech gave me more hope for the future than anything else that happened last night and i hope all americans take the message to heart.