PART ONE: ever seen a frog crushed by a tangerine? no? well, it was beautiful to watch. why can't the world cup be this good? two days of this tournament have seen so much more high-caliber soccer than the entire last world cup that i'm starting to think maybe the qualifying should be worldwide, rather than regional... maybe not. but, still...
PART TWO: an ode to infrequent flyers:
you are screwed.
give up all hope, don't bother packing that second carry-on and shield your eyes as you pass economy plus in search of your cramped "seat" so that you won't be haunted by visions of five extra inches of legroom for the duration of your travels.
see that "4" on your boarding pass? that's 4 of 4. as in, lastest. it is fruitless to line up when they announce boarding; being the first "4" to board doesn't provide any real advantage or benefit to your health, it only allows "1," "2" and "3" to all self-righteously jostle past you as they troop aboard.
PART THREE: there is no part three, get on with your life.