Monday, April 30, 2007

epic night

george and malina just took steph and i to see !!! at the fillmore for our anniversary gift and we will be forever indebted to them for it. absolutely one of the best concerts i have ever attended in my entire life, 99% of the audience was dancing like spasmodic indigenous tribal people. the performance was commanding, they had everyone enthralled and the sound was the best i've ever heard at the fillmore. you could even hear stereo effects on some of the guitar gear and the synths. i haven't had that much fun at a show probably since the first time i saw mastodon. unreal...

while we were waiting for their set to start, we gathered 'round my cellphone as i furiously hit Refresh to track the WARRIORS DEFEATING THE MAVERICKS FOR THE THIRD TIME IN THE PAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!! when we got home i turned on ESPN news just in time to see the highlights, how about that half-court shot to end the first half?! man, it all went right tonight, what a way to end a weekend and begin what is sure to be a brutal week...

Friday, April 27, 2007


sometimes when you're doodling on a post-it, it turns into a feathered serpent. no reason for it, it just works out that way...

desktop eyes

he looks pretty psyched about those applications.


it's funny that this didn't pop up on my nike+ stats page until now, i'm actually a week or so away from hitting 200 miles. i wonder what caused the lag...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

keeping up appearances

i want to post something but nothing's really happening these days. except jury duties that i can't speak of... and more or less every minute that i'm not sitting in my car i'm thinking about sitting in my car. speaking of the car, steph drove it to the dealer to have some scratches on the bumper (that were there when we bought it) buffed out this morning, biggin' up my girl, rispeck.

man, nothing happens when you're on jury duty, 'cause everything that happens stays in your head. OH CRAP! i just remembered one thing that DID happen!

we had the day off jury duty today so i was in the office. wah. hoo. anyway, there was a "town hall" meeting wherein a bunch of management tells us what's going on and why we're a great company. afterwards they opened up for a Q&A (which is a comical abbreviation of "question and answer") session with the audience. after a few of the normal "are we addressing some crap i don't really care about but i really love/am pathologically desperate for attention?" sorts of questions from some nerds, we were all suddenly transported to a magical dreamworld. literally.

some guy i've never seen before, with a french accent, decided his question would not be fully understood unless it was preambled with a vivid, five-minute description of a dream he had a few days ago. his anglais confused my ears a little but the short of it was that he dreamed there was a flood and all of us, everyone gathered together for this meeting, were there with him. the waters were quickly rising and all was surely lost until, lo! on the horizon, a boat! a big boat! captained by a man who would grant us sanctuary on his fine schooner if we could provide him with but one, small token... a pan!

luckily for us, we *all* work at Williams-Sonoma, purveyors of fine cookware for 50 years, huzzah! when we brought forth our pan offering the boat man was displeased and barred us from the safety of his vessel, but why?! surely, these pans are pleasing in form and exemplary in utility!

ah, but they aren't GREEN. none shall board this last ship of hope who has not made their product environmentally responsible. upon this revelation, he violently awoke, drenched in a cold sweat...

seriously, he said that. the amazing part was while we were all still slightly dazed by the vision and before we could collapse into convulsive laughter, one of the executives actually started answering the question that was buried deep within the hypnotic tale: yes, we are addressing the issue of making our products "green" because, and this is key, that is a BIG TREND RIGHT NOW.

no, not due to any moral imperative or to gain passage on a big boat when the flood comes, rather, to enable us to sell more crap. to hippies with lots of money, apparently.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

oll korrect

a lesson for you all on the origin of the common expression: OK.

my favorite bit? "...the result of a fad for comical abbreviations that flourished in the late 1830s and 1840s." WTF? OMG history repeats LOL!!!11!1!


Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

alternate reality

where does fantasy end and reality begin? surely that is what weighs so heavily on his head... i mean mind...

alma mater

just stumbled on this on digg - it occurred about a mile from my freshman dorm at UCSB:
Applied Geometry
A circle made by following the natural curve in a line of shopping carts. Costco parking lot Goleta, CA. 6:00 am May 5, 2004.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

spring cleaning...

...quite literally, in fact. i have to clear out the spring samples from the color room in order to make room for all the summer items, most of which are inside those large boxes. i'll be shocked if i'm done by tomorrow.

fotoshop phun

sparta, spartan, spartans, see what i did there?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

making friends with the fast

steph just drove the car for the first time, from my office to hers. not two minutes after she had taken command, she called to announce "i love my car." that's what *i've* been sayin'!


if pacman had been made now, rather than in the 80s:

Monday, April 09, 2007

Saturday, April 07, 2007

my keychain just got heavier


Friday, April 06, 2007


mac vs. dell

i've been saying this ever since apple switched to intel chips:

"Apple came out with their 8 core Mac Pro yesterday. I wanted to see how it stacked up against a comparable Dell. Remember when Macs cost way more than PCs? Those days appear to be over."

read more | digg story

Thursday, April 05, 2007


drawn whilst listening to The Sword.


we've all had the experience of being somewhere in public when the peace is suddenly, loudly and confusingly shattered by someone nearby exclaiming "i'm at (location)!" the shock is only allayed upon observation that the person is wearing a stupid headset for their phone.

i just had something like the inverse of that experience. there was a woman walking alone in the hallway babbling about something being funny and emitting other incoherent chortles and squawks. something inside me wanted desperately for her to be wearing a headset but none was present. needless to say, i kept a safe distance behind her.


Wednesday, April 04, 2007


yeah, i don't know either...

how NOT to use twitter

go ahead, give him a call!

tim goes off

i *still* don't know what he was on about...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

here's the plan

the plan is to post one drawing per day. some might be crap, some might be acceptable, the point is simply to do it. i find too many excuses not to otherwise. feel free to post requests but don't get your hopes up, artists are notoriously flaky...